If you are a serious oil prospector who would
benefit from hiring me

contact me using the
details at the foot of this page.
The next stage is to do a
site visit. This can be done either by helicopter or vehicle when the
process takes place. We cover the area, which has been
highlighted on the map surveys, (or showing as having some potential
natural oil and gas or both). We approach it from one side of the area
through to the other side of the area. During this process the rods
will continue to cross until we are out of the field. This is continued
until an area has been marked out systematically on site, which then
identifies it more accurately and pinpoints the location.
It is also possible to work
out the depth of the field lying beneath the ground or the sea. A
possible guide can be done on the map survey, which then becomes more
accurate when on site visit..
To do the
depth count on site we use what we call “The Bishops Rule” and we
go to the centre of the field that we have marked out. We then put
a stake into the ground and walk away from the stake in a straight line
and eventually the rods will cross indicating the estimated depth to
where the top of the natural oil field or natural gas field is
lying. From that point you then continue to walk and the
rods will cross again for a second time which will give you a guide as
to the thickness of the saturation of the natural oil or gas or both, in
rock structures.
I spent 5 years researching
into natural oil and gas before I became a successful consultant for
hydrocarbon-bearing areas. I have also completed a successful map
survey for Chevron in 1993 when they tested me on my skills.